Monday, June 14, 2010

Losing Weight in the Summer is Hard

Okay, who am I kidding? For me, losing weight at any time of the year is hard. But I'm finding that when warm weather comes, so does lots of social occasions. And lots of drinking. I obviously need to come up with some less caloric beverage choices - I think my sweet tea vodka and lemonade is not a good choice.

This weekend, we had a neighborhood party on Saturday with lots of food (and lots of desserts!) and lots of drinks. And Sunday, it was a friend's 40th birthday. Her husband rented a limo to take us girls to a winery. It was soooo fun!

So - what's your favorite not so high in calories beverage of choice? I'd love to get some ideas!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First Weigh-in of Summer Challenge

I am ready for the challenge! I weighed myself yesterday (Tuesday) morning and here it is...

A bit depressing? Uh... yeah. AND I need a pedicure!