I'm back. I've wasted a lot of time in the past month or so not losing weight. It's weird how my mind works sometimes. I stopped being good... really stopped losing weight. I am not dying... which is really what I thought was happening. Weight loss was a side effect of every disease that I diagnosed myself with... so in my crazy mind, I convinced myself that if I stopped losing weight, then I wasn't dying. Hmmm...
The good news.... my heartburn seems to have resolved itself. I've felt really good for the past few weeks. My GI appointment went well. The doctor wanted me to have an endoscope (where they put a camera down your throat and see what's going on), but I canceled since I've felt good. I'll reschedule if I have more problems.
More good news... during my "hiatus", I only gained back two pounds. It easily could have been 10 or 15, especially with all the Girl Scout cookies and Easter candy that have been in my house... and in my mouth.
The best news... I'm back to counting my points and exercising. The weather is getting nicer, so I can walk outside. I'm back on board and hope to continue to lose weight. I got the invitation to my class reunion in the mail yesterday and really hope to lose bit more before I go to that at the end of July.