Monday, April 27, 2009

Pigging Out is No Way to Lose Weight

Goodness... I've been eating everything in sight for the past couple of days. I'm using the ol' period excuse, but I really need to quit doing it. And to make matters worse, the heartburn is back with a vengeance. It's been awful. Time to bland the diet again... perhaps that will help me lose some weight. It's been too hot to walk the past couple of days. Hopefully it will cool down by mid-week - it's also supposed to rain which should wash some of the yellow pollen away.


Juice said...

Do you find that your heartburn is worse when you are eating more? Or choosing unhealthier foods? I know my GI system works WAY better when I keep my portions in control. (Sucks, but true. Totally looking forward to eating in heaven with no weight gain!!!)

Jen said...

I have had heartburn bad ever since I gained weight. It only gets better when I am eating right and skipping the crap. I am on day 4 of eating all healthy and have not taken one tums! I hope you are feeling better.