Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm back... and getting back on the wagon

It's me again! Where have I been for the past few months, you might wonder. I've been around. Doing things that were not making me a better person, a healthier person. But I'm sick and tired of living that life and am ready to live a better, healthier life.

They started a WW meeting right here in my neighborhood. No excuse not to participate. The meetings are Wednesday evenings. My husband is home for the kids. No excuses! I even have a few friends that have joined with me, so I have a support system. There is also a gym right here in my neighborhood. One that my way-to-high HOA monthly dues pay for. No excuses not to go.

The first meeting was Wednesday, January 6th. I stepped on the scale... 213 pounds. Yikes. That puts me up 24 pounds from my low back in March. On the bright side, though, it puts me down 9 pounds from my high back in August 2008. So I'm looking on the bright side. And I lost 5.2 pounds my first week, so I'm down to 207.8. Not bad for my first week.

One of my 2010 goals (not resolutions - I'm called them goals that I hope to be able to complete by 12/31/10) is to save money when it comes to food. We go out to eat WAY too much. Usually because I don't have food in the kitchen that is easy to make. No more. I'm shopping the ads and using coupons. A few of my new favorite sites are and I've also found there are tons of coupons you can print off the internet... who knew? So far this week, I've spent about $110 on groceries, but saved $120. My goal is to save more than I spend. I'm lucky that I have 8 or so different grocery stores within about 10 miles. Makes it very easy to comparison shop. And as I stockpile my kitchen more, I will spend way less every week. It would be nice not to spend more than $150 on food every month.

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