Saturday, March 1, 2008

Finally on the wagon...

So finally, after thinking about it for weeks (okay... years!), I've started counting my points again. I started last Thursday (February 21st) and have done fairly well. Minus going to the Cheesecake Factory with Rorie on Sunday and eating a piece of chocolate cake at Bunco on Monday. I haven't officially weighed myself to see how I've done.

We went to the Olive Garden for dinner yesterday and I avoided the breadsticks. Which is good because I looked it up when I got home I saw they were 3 points each. Ugh! And truthfully, I usually eat two or three when we go there. I'm not sure what kind of points I ate with my dinner, but I had a lot of points to work with. And I've had a hard time eating all my points in the past few days. I know that you're not allowed to "bank" points, but whatever.

I will be thrilled if I lose 10 pounds by the end of March. I'm worried that once it gets warm, I won't have anything to wear. It's been bad enough this winter, but at least you can cover yourself up in the cold weather. Not so much once it gets warm!

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