Sunday, August 10, 2008

Walking Log Update... no soda... and a new goal

I turned in my pedometer numbers last night - my average amount of steps for the past week was 4,903. Not too bad considering one day I only had 1,294 steps because of the bronchitis that I was suffering. I'm supposed to try for an average of 5,303 steps this week (an increase of 500), plus walk a minimum of 10 minutes five times this week. Shouldn't be too hard. We went on a mile hike yesterday (helped me walk over 7,000 steps yesterday) and I did take a 15 minute walk today. The program is really designed to help people not gain weight (since the average adult gains 1-2 pounds a year). I hope it will help me lose weight.

I finished the diet coke that I had in the house and now I'm not buying any more. I did this as a new year's resolution and I did pretty well - until about a month ago. I bought soda for guests or something and became hooked once again. When the grocery store had a 5 packs for $10 deal a few weeks back, I couldn't pass up the deal. So now I'm only going to drink water at home (and the occasional beer or glass of wine). I will allow myself to drink it when I am out of the house, but that should only be a couple of times a week. Not the 3-4 habit that I was experiencing during these last few weeks.

My latest goal is to try to lose 18 pounds in the next nine weeks. Can I do it???

1 comment:

the mom said...

I gave up soda too. it's helped a lot.