Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Am I Really That Fat?

I have the mindset that ignorance is bliss. I rarely take photos of myself - and even more rarely take photos of my whole body.

While we were on vacation a week or so ago, my youngest said she wanted me to ride an amusement ride with her. She chose the teacups (ugh!). I got on and noticed that I didn't fit very well. There wasn't much room between me and the spinny thing. No worries... she's little. She won't want the cup to spin very much. I noticed my husband, on the sidelines, had my camera in his hands. When I got off, I looked at the photos. Yikes. I should blow them up and use them as inspiration (too late though... I deleted them!).

I really AM one of the fat girls. I used to be so little. So skinny. So petite. Yeah... not anymore. But hopefully that will change and next year, I'll fit into the teacups a little better.

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