Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I've Fallen...

off the Weight Watchers Wagon... and I can't seem to get back on. I'm ashamed to say that I have not been good since the holidays, even though I promised myself weeks ago that I would start again. I cannot seem to track my points for a full day. I start off well in the morning, but by mid-afternoon, I'm searching my kitchen for something sweet to eat. And I'm finding and eating it. I'm mad at myself because I could have lost 5 more pounds (or more) by now.

So what is going on in my head? I've been thinking a lot about that and I'm not sure. I wish it was easy.... both physically and mentally. I know that I want to lose weight. I want to be healthy. I want to look good in my clothes - and feel good in them. So what is holding me back?

I have a friend who is heavy (well, I have lots of friends who are heavy, but this is just about one of them). Before I knew her, she had worked hard and lost 100 pounds. Then she had her children and her weight slowly came back on. A couple of years ago, she did it again... lost 100 pounds. She didn't do it the right way - she cut way back on calories and lost the weight in a short period of time (6-8 months). The last time I saw her, which was a couple of months ago, she was big again... bigger than I ever remember her being. This is one of the things that is going around in my head. If I don't lose the weight, then I won't gain it back. I won't have to be embarrassed and have people talk about me behind my back - much like I've heard people talk about my friend.

On the other hand... I cannot live like this anymore. I was not born this way and I don't want to die this way.

I'm thinking that I really need some encouragement. I know that you don't know me, but I'd love to hear something from you (yes... you!). Can you share a story with me - a story of how you overcame the obstacle that I can't seem to get over? Thank you.


Big Girl said...

It can be a bit overwhelming if you try and look at it as a big picture. Make good choices one by one and link them together. Before you know if you'll have a whole day that's been "clean" and then 2 days and then a week etc.. I guess what I'm trying to say is break it down to smaller parts. YOu need to do the work, but we're here for you. good luck!

Lisa said...

Hey :-)

I feel that I know a little something about this topic since I was exactly where you are right now about two weeks ago!

I need to lose a lot of weight. A lot. A hundred pounds lot! But I was doing really well because I was thinking of it in terms of small, small goals. I broke that 100 lbs down into tenths. Losing ten pounds isn't so hard! And when that seemed too big...I broke it down even more. I broke it down into 5 lb star increments!!

But sometime over the holidays, I started thinking about that great big number and I started to lose it. I started to slip. And the further I slipped, the harder it was to get back on track. I'm an all or nothing kind of person. I have to be 100% ON or I'm 100% OFF!! I'm working on that...

But anyway...the point...I told myself I wanted to lose the few small pounds that I'd gained over the holidays. I did that. Now I'm working on the three pounds that I need to lose in order to make to 15 lbs at WW. That will put me at 21 lbs down overall...over 2/10 of the way to my goal! See? It works :-) I can TOTALLY lose 3 lbs!

Whether this helped or not, just know that you're not alone. You can do this. You can.

Juice said...

I completely understand the points dilemma. I did the same things - started off well, then was off tracking by the end of the day.

Maybe you can break this down into smaller goals. For example: just track your points for a full day. Don't worry about what the number of points is - just have the goal to track for a full day. As you build success for yourself, you can make your goals larger. (Eat 6 filling foods today, etc). Don't make your goals weight related for now - make them achievable! Success breeds success. You can do it!

Jen said...

YOU CAN DO IT!! I am on week 3 of ww and for the first time in years I am actually sticking to something.

for me seeing what points are of things I REALLY want usually deter me from eating it. 12pts for a maple bar and 8pts for my normal starbucks. I can resist!!

Its hard...really hard but remember how GREAT it feels to see the scale moving down!!

Lisa said...

How are you doing? Feeling any better?