Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thanks for the love... and an update

Thanks for the comments... I really appreciate hearing from people that are or were in the same situation.

I have been counting points since Wednesday, so I feel like I'm back on track. And somehow, I lost 2.8 pounds for my weigh in on Friday. The body is a weird thing, isn't it? I'm not sure how I did it. I did exercise a couple of times during the week and wasn't eating too off course... I just wasn't writing anything down.

Yesterday, we ate lunch at Jason's Deli, which is new to my area. I ordered a potato (reduced portion - smaller than the regular portion) and when it came, I had a feeling it was probably a bad idea. I got home and looked it up... 28 points! Yikes! That's one more than my daily allotment. I had eaten a 4.5 point breakfast. Luckily, the potato did fill me up and I was not tempted to eat in the afternoon like I have been lately. I kept busy during the evening and ended up only having a clementine before bed. Not the best idea, but I was glad that I was able to not go nuts. I didn't want to use a lot of my weekly points since I have bunco on Monday and it's usually hard to each healthy during that.


Juice said...

Good for you! Congrats on the loss. Now that you are back and motivated, can you send a little motivation my way??? I'm struggling!

Lisa said...

Congrats on Wednesday's loss! :-)

We need to all move in to a big weight loss commune or something! We're all so good at supporting and motivating each other, yet we're all struggling on our own!

P.S. Cadbury Easter Cream Eggs are EVIL!!!