Friday, January 2, 2009

Three Pound Holiday Season

I got on the scale today and it became official... I gained 2.8 pounds in the past 2 weeks. I haven't tracked my points since the Friday before Christmas and it showed. Although, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I figured it would be at least 5 pounds. And I'm still at the 200 mark, which was my Christmas goal. However, gaining those 3 pounds made me think how quickly and easily it would be for me to gain all the weight I have lost in the past three months. And I'll bet it would take far less than three months to come back on.

I've read a lot about resolutions on other blogs and have been thinking about mine.

1. Make my WW 10% by Valentine's Day. My 10% is 195, so with my little gain, I need to lose 5 more pounds. Totally doable in the six weeks before February 14th.

2. Stay off the soda. For New Year's 2008, I vowed not to bring soda into the house. And for the most part, I was successful in keeping that resolution. I do allow myself soda when I am out and at other people's houses.

3. Exercise more. Go to the gym at least once during preschool time per week.

4. Pay down debt.

5. Plan meals more and eat out less. That will help to stay on plan and to save money.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Juice said...

Great goals - very achievable!