Monday, June 22, 2009

All the Chocolate has been Eaten

I'm pretty sure I've eaten all the chocolate in my house. So now it's gone and won't be replaced. My cravings were horrible yesterday. Why can't I have cravings for apples and peaches? Not me... chocolate was all I wanted. And then I felt awful after it was all gone in my belly.

This was not a good eating weekend. We had three parties to go to. Lots of drinking and eating not so good for you foods. I tried to control myself - at least I drank a lot less than I thought I would.

Class reunion is less than five weeks away. I'm not nearly the weight I hoped I would be, but at least I'm not near where I started. And really... who cares. No one is going to not talk to me because I don't look like I did in high school. Most likely, no one will look like they did in high school. I've become reacquainted with a girl I graduated with that lives in my neighborhood. She doesn't seem to care that I'm a bigger girl. In fact, she actually seems to like me and is glad to see me when she does. Two of my bestest girlfriends are coming in and staying at my house - I should probably focus more on cleaning my house and making sure they are comfortable! But... I think I can lose 10 pounds in the next five weeks, so that's what I'm going to focus on.


Lisa said...

I've decided not to go to mine. I can't put that kind of pressure on myself. I need to lose WAY more than 10 or even 20 pounds :-)

I'm sure you can do it!!

Juice said...

We are living parallel lives. My reunion is 6 weeks away and I'm eating like a maniac! Eek! What gives?