Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hello Sparkpeople

We all know that the economy is horrible right now. My husband and I are trying hard to watch every penny... especially since we just had to buy a new to us car, which results in a car payment. Because of this, I've decided to give up Weight Watchers. It hasn't really been working for me for the past few months. Which really means, I haven't really been MAKING it work for me. I haven't been keeping track of my points. I feel like I've been flushing the money I've been spending on it down the toilet.

I've decided to try something that is free... sparkpeople.com. I'm hoping it will help me jump start my diet again. I've kept track of my eating for the past two days and have also exercised.

Do you - or have you ever - used sparkpeople? Does it work for you?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I have used Sparkpeople! I think it's a great tool, actually. But my problem with it is the same as the problem I have with any tool...they don't work the same when I don't use them :P

I think changing things up is a great way to get things moving again though!

I've let my WW membership go, too. It was mainly a financial decision for me too. I do have all of the materials, though, so I'm going to switch to the Simply Filling program for awhile. See what happens :-)