Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What I want... what I need

I really want to be a good mom... a good wife... a good person. I realize that I lose my patience with the girls so easily... and that is something that I'm trying to work on. I realize that in order to love someone - to truly love someone - I must love myself first. And I'm working on that too. A little bit at a time. Two steps forward, one step back. And sometimes one step forward, two steps back.

I'm trying hard to have a happier mindset. I am so blessed in my life. I have a wonderful husband who loves me, quirks and all. I have two beautiful little girls who love me. I have some fantastic friends who love me. And yet, there is something missing. And I think what's missing is me loving me.

So basically, what I want and need is some self-love. And if anyone has any suggestions on where to get that, I'd love to hear them.

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