Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Points Counting Break

I know it's not good, but I haven't tracked my points in five days. I don't think I've been too bad, but I know I'm most likely going over my points. I have weighed myself every day and am on track of where I should be. Not like I've gone completely crazy and gained five pounds. I'm going to figure out my points today and will hopefully do that same tomorrow. Christmas will be hard and so will the following days while we travel out of state to my in-laws.

But I'm still here... still trying to watch what I eat. And I promise myself that I will get back on the wagon.

Merry Christmas to all!


Lisa said...

I haven't tracked in probably two weeks. But it's okay...for you and for me.

Now's the time to get back at it, though! We're heading into a new year. It's going to be a great one!

Juice said...

Come back! We miss you!