Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I have less than 24 hours until my high school friends start arriving for the reunion. So I've been a busy little (ha!) girl trying to find something to wear. I've dragged my children around to a number of stores this week. I've bought two dresses, neither of which I love - one found at Lane Bryant (at the third Land Bryant I went to) and one at Macy's. I still might wear something I already have in my closet and just take those back. I've bought shapewear and a new black bra at Kohl's. And I plan to go out to one more mall when my husband gets home from work today.

I'm feeling very bad about myself. I wish I were twenty or thirty pounds lighter than I am. Why couldn't I have succeeded this spring with losing the weight I wanted to lose? I know that my friends will still love me. Although I wonder if they'll talk behind my back about how I've "let myself go." Hmmm... low self esteem, maybe?


Big Girl said...

I totally hate shopping too, it's so depressing, but at least you found some things to wear

Juice said...

I feel your pain. Hopefully you found an outfit that you feel great in. If not, manufacture that emotion anyway. You can fake your way into a feeling. Reunion seems like a great time to practice. :)