Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Feel Sick

Tonight I took the girls to the Christmas party at my grandmother's senior apartment complex. There was lots of food and I ate way too much of it. And now my stomach is killing me - I've already been into the Tums. I went in thinking that I would be pretty good, but I wasn't. The only way I could have really been good was not to eat anything - there wasn't really much that was good for you. Luckily, I did get a trip to the gym in earlier today and I hadn't used many points before the party.

On a positive note... I have been fitting into clothes that haven't fit in quite a while. My husband gave me pjs that I couldn't even get past my hips last year - I'm wearing them right now. My wardrobe has expanded without me having to buy anything... all things that have been in my closet which I haven't been able to wear for the past couple of years.


Melissa said...

I love that whole new wardrobe without spending a dime :)

The Fat Foreigner said...

I love that feeling of having 'new old clothes', congrats.

Martha said...

Closet shopping is the best! Keep up the great work!