Friday, December 12, 2008

Uh okay...

I just plugged in my weight info in the online Weight Watcher and got this message...

"Please note: You're probably excited to be losing weight, but you're losing faster than is recommended. Although it's normal to lose over 2 lbs in 1 week, if you lose more than an average of 2 lbs per week over a 4-week period, this could pose health risks, such as heart irregularities, anemia or loss of muscle mass. Please slow your weight loss; your doctor can help you do this if you're not sure how."

Hmmm. I'm not losing more than 2 lbs per week. My weight loss over the past 4 weeks has been high 1's pretty much. Three weeks ago, I didn't weigh (Thanksgiving) and five weeks ago, I did lose 2.4. I thought I was doing well. Do I need to be worried that I'm losing too much? It's not like I'm bringing in Biggest Loser numbers.


Juice said...

Wow - I can't say that I've ever seen this message on WW. I wouldn't pay it much attention for the time being. If you are feeling good, making healthy food choices and getting enough sleep you're probably doing ok. Of course if you lose another 10 lbs by New Years maybe you should check in with a doctor! ;)

Congrats on getting to "shop" your dresser and closet. I LOVE fitting into old clothes. I have a pair of satin pjs lined with brushed cotton. So cozy and yet so uncomfortable when I was heavier. I'm loving wearing them again this winter!

the mom said...

I've got that before. I think that you are doing ok.
Keep it up!