Friday, December 12, 2008

New Decade... New Century

Okay... I'm going to admit my weight. I feel comfortable, because really, no one who reads this knows who I am. Are you ready for it... I now weigh 199.2 pounds. That's right... I'm out of the 200's. So there. And let me tell you, I never thought I would be so happy to weigh 199 pounds.

My Christmas goal was to weigh less than 200 pounds. And I've done it, thank you very much. Now my Christmas goal is to still weigh less than 200 pounds on Christmas. Then I'll come up with a new goal to work towards after the holidays.

A little recent weight history... I've weighed more than 200 since at least 2006. I weighed 192 when I got pregnant in April 2004 (which, by the way, was what I weighed when I gave birth the first time). When I gave birth nine months later, I weighed 212. Which was the heaviest I'd ever been. I lost quite a bit of that weight soon after giving birth - I imagine I was down in the 190's by March or April. I don't remember the weight creeping back on, but I know it did. I went for a check up in November 2006 and weighed 207. And my doctor told me that I really needed to lose weight. But I didn't. Instead, I gained about 15 pounds in the next 22 months. And then my highest weight ever was 222... which is what I weighed in August of this year when I decided I needed to do something about it. I lost 5 pounds over about 7 weeks or so before I joined Weight Watchers. And now I've lost almost 18 pounds on WW.

I did manage to exercise more this week than last. I went to the gym during both preschool days and walked on the treadmill. Actually, yesterday I even ran a little. It was only three minutes out of thirty, but it's a start. I've also walked a lot doing more Christmas shopping (will it ever end???).


the mom said...

here from OSB. Congrats on that milestone! I have a similar story to yours and definately rejoiced at the 199 mark! can't believe that *I* would ever be thrilled to weigh 199 either. But I was. Keep it up! Good luck over the holidays!

K @ Running Through Life said...

Congrats on the new milestone! Keep it up!

Lori said...

You're in Onederland! Congratulations!