Friday, September 12, 2008

Another Wake Up Call

My husband has been working really hard to lose weight lately. And of course, men always lose faster than women. He's lost about twice the amount I have. And he's been running... I cannot run. At least not yet. I just can't stand to feel the fat jiggle. And I would hate for anyone to see me, so I'd have to run in the dark of night, which isn't very safe.

Anyway... my husband is a big guy. He's really tall - which makes him look not quite as heavy as he is. There was a time that he was more than 100 pounds heavier than I was. And I found out today that he's only a little more than 50 pounds heavier than me. How depressed am I?

So even though I didn't really want to, I took a really long, sweaty walk today (fourth one this week). And I avoided buying any cookies at the grocery store today. Even though I was really tempted. Those Oreos that were on sale were calling my name.

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