Friday, October 17, 2008

Bunco Tonight

I'm going to play Bunco tonight with some friends. And along with Bunco... lots of food and wine. I'm going to try to keep control of myself, but it's so hard. This is one reason I made Fridays my weigh-in day. If I do get out of control on the weekend, I have the whole week to make up for it. And I took a very long walk this morning - one worth 6 activity points, so I do have a lot to work with.

1 comment:

Juice said...

Way to go with the long walk! 6 APs? Amazing. Great job on the weight loss as well. :)

Something to consider - perhaps move your weigh in day to Monday or Tuesday? It will force you to be a little more careful on the weekends. Of course if you love your Friday leader you can still attend Friday meetings. Just a thought. I'm pulling for you!