Thursday, October 23, 2008

Do I need to change the way I eat?

So far, I'm doing really well with keeping track of my points and making sure that I eat only my allotted daily points. There have been days that I've gone a bit over, but I also get 35 weekly points to do with as I want. There are days that I still have quite a few points left over after dinner. I've been enjoying popcorn almost every night - a snack size bag of 94% fat free popcorn is only 2 points. But I've also been eating things that I know I probably shouldn't. Like mini moonpies (3 points) and little bags of mini m&m's (2 points). And I know that's the kind of food that got me where I am.

But I didn't get fat eating one moon pie. The "old" me would eat three or four of them in one day. Now, I'm eating one and being satisfied by it. Which is a good sign, I think.

There's part of me that knows I probably shouldn't be eating those things at all. I should stick to fruits and veggies and whole grains. I need to find a happy medium. Is it okay to eat things that I know are not good for me as long as I limit the quantities?. I know that I'll want those things so much more if they are not allowed. My thin friends eat junk food, I know that. They just know when to stop. That's something that I'm trying to learn for myself - I've never known when to stop. And that's a big thing that I'm working on.


Lisa said...

I struggle with this too...I really had to work (still have to) to wrap my brain around the fact that I'm not on a diet but that doesn't mean I get to eat whatever I want.

Juice said...

I'm doing WW too. One of the reason I feel like I'll be successful this time is because I CAN eat the "crappy stuff," count the points for it and move on. Your points allotment guarantees that you won't overeat (provided you stick to it). Are you going to win a prize for Healthiest Eater of the Year? No. But are you going to be pleased with your progress and stick with the program? Probably.

Besides, as you drop weight your points allotment drops as well, so this could become a moot point down the road. Eat the moon pie and be happy, dang it. (I say that enviously - moon pies are a trigger for me. I can't have just one mini!)