Monday, November 17, 2008

Binging through the weekend

First a success... I did keep track of my points this weekend - and I stayed within my allotment. That said, I did not eat well. I did not have a single fruit or veggie on Sunday and the only one on Saturday was the veggies in the soup I had for lunch. I have been doing quite well staying on plan and have been getting good results. I can't quite understand how though because I'm not eating the way I should be and I know it.

Last night, I was craving cereal. I LOVE cereal. Not good for you cereal, but cereal like Frosted Flakes and Lucky Charms. I decided to have a big bowl of Captain Crunch w/ Crunch Berries. I have only had one other bowl since I started WW. And when I have a bowl of cereal, it's not the 3/4 cup serving size recommended on the box. It's a big bowl - probably 2 - 2-1/2 cups of cereal. I did have the points to use, though, so it wasn't all bad. It's good to think about the fact I've only had two bowls of cereal in the past seven weeks... this used to be a daily occurrence (sometimes more than once a day!).

It's been quite cold here (they're calling for some snow tonight), so I'm having a hard time getting my walking in. I don't want to take my three year old out in the stroller (she'd complain the whole time anyway) and my husband is getting home well after dark from work. We have a gym in our neighborhood and I have used it twice in the past five days. I'm hoping to motivate myself to go during preschool time so I can at least get in two walks a week.

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