Thursday, November 6, 2008

Something I Never Thought I'd Do

I've been craving a plain Hershey's bar since Halloween. I was going through my daughter's candy yesterday, sorting and getting rid of stuff, and I came across a Hershey's bar. Yum. I set it aside to eat today. I just opened it. It's NOT a plain Hershey's bar. It's white chocolate... if I'd looked closer, I would have seen that it says "Cookies'n'Creme". Shucks. Two months ago, I would have said "Oh well" and eaten it anyway. Not now. White chocolate is so not worth the points to me.

That's progress! Baby steps, right?

1 comment:

Juice said...

Way to go!!! It takes a lot of willpower to throw away candy.

I see from OSB that we are WW twins. We both started on 9/25 and we are both down 10lbs! Yay us!