Thursday, November 6, 2008

An idea from another blogger

Now that I'm a blogger, I spend a lot of time (way more than I should!) checking out other blogs. I came across this post on this blog about creating a list of things that you want to do in a certain amount of time. This blogger chose 65 things in 365 days. The person that inspired her made a list of 101 things she wants to do in 1001 days. I'm really going to think about things and come up with my list. I'm not sure how many things or how many days... although I'm thinking about having my birthday be the deadline. Stay tuned...

I've had a pretty good week, I think. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow. I cheated a bit and stood on the scale this morning and was pleased with the number so I'm hoping for a good result. Which would be amazing considering the weekend I had with Halloween and a party (and on both days I consumed quite a bit of beer). But I have been very honest with myself and kept track of my points. I've also been trying very hard to drink lots of water. And I even took a walk today (with my whiney three old) when I really did not want to.

I'll check in tomorrow with my weigh-in result.

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