Monday, November 3, 2008

A New Day

It's been nearly a year since I started this blog with this post. A year. If I had actually been dedicated back then, I could have lost 50 or more pounds by now. But I spent the eight or so months after that post making excuses for why I didn't need to change my ways.

But now I'm dedicated to seeing this journey through. I will admit that I did not have the best weekend as far as eating. It was hard. We had Halloween on Friday and a party on Saturday. My kids stayed with my parents and my mom sent home the cookies they had frosted. And I've been eating the candy and the cookies. But I'm also counting my points. Granted I've gone over for the past two days, but that just means I need to be careful for the rest of the week. In the past, my "diet" probably would have been over by now. I would tell myself that I had blown it already, so why not forget about it?

But not this time. I will not do that to myself again. Today is a new day.


Jen said...

You can DO IT!! I had a bad weekend too, but starting fresh today!

Juice said...

Amen sister - get back on track! And congrats on the weight loss this week!