Friday, November 7, 2008

Weigh-In Friday

I was very pleased this morning to see that I lost 1.8 pounds this week. My total WW loss is 10.2 since September 25 - six weeks ago. That brings my total loss since August to 16 pounds. I have a personal goal to lose 6 more pounds by the end of the year, which is completely doable.

Two years ago, during my yearly exam, I weighed one pound more than I do now. My doctor told me that I needed to lose some weight. I responded to that by gaining 15 pounds in about 18 months. Not good. But now I've lost those 15 pounds and will hopefully continue to lose.

My fat jeans are starting to get quite baggy. I tried on the size down (I have quite a collection of jeans in three or four different sizes) and I can get them up over my hips, but I cannot button them. Maybe in a couple of weeks.

I had bought two pairs of capris in the spring in a size lower than I wear - a little hopeful thinking, I believe. I don't like to try clothes on in the store, so I bought them and brought them home. Of course, they didn't fit AT ALL, but I kept them. Well, I put them on today and could button them. They don't look great - they are a little tight (my 3 year old asked me if I was wearing leggings). But they were on. I'm going to work towards them looking great in the spring. Or maybe they'll be way too big.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh yeah? Well, I gained 36 pounds in around 24 months. I'm still 24 pounds heavier than I was when I started WW the last time...I have to play MAJOR head games with myself to make that okay, let me tell you!

Let's just keep plugging away at this, shall we?